I had the opportunity on friday to help with the Gingerbread Festival at Thanksgiving Point. I had never been and was so surprised by how many people came and how well organized everything was! There were rows of gingerbread houses, ranging from 'kids craft' cute, to absolutely professional. The proceeds went to the Boy Scouts and the PTA.

This was one of my favorites :D donated by the red cross...I love anything medical.

I sat by a way cute family that was showing off their beautifully decorated gingerbread men.

This wasnt really a gingerbread house..but it was all edible. I met the guy who did it and he teaches culinary arts classes at the prison (how cool is that?!) anyways this picture does not do it justice. It is an "under the sea" theme and there are two seamonsters in back, a candy water surface, sunken pirate ships, treasure chests, sharks, seashells, sand, fish, coral...anything you could possibly find under the sea. And he MADE it with candy and food!! INCREDIBLE!!

These were some of the cute performers from Center Stage. They are dancing around in big stockings haha!

This is an acutal gingerbread house, more like a gingerbread mansion. Can you imagine how much time this would take?!