I love General Conference! It continues to amaze me that we have a living prophet, the 1st presidency, and the twelve to guide us. They love us so much and I can feel it through the television! Thank goodness that each of us ALWAY has at least these 15 men of God that continually prays and worries for us. When we feel alone, tired, and unloved...we only have to look to these men, our Heavenly Father, and our older brother Jesus Christ. Who better to love and care for us?
I have met some incredible people. Many who sadden me by the lack of understanding they have of their own potential. We have been promised ALL that God has if we follow His commandments and just love Him. I cant understand not wanting ALL that God has. But still I am grateful for all of my friends and family and hope that I am doing all I can to serve them. My heart is full of love and I hate not being able to lift and help others. Lately I have had lots of new opportunities, I believe that I have been given these opportunities to share what I know of the Gospel and the love that God has for His children.

I also have to express my gratitude for fall. It is my favorite time of year. The leaves, the apple cider, the pumpkins, the sweaters...I look forward to it all year long. I can feel fall in the air and, contrary to its chilly presence, it warms me. I LOVE FALL!!!