Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We had Christmas in two shifts this year, the first shift started at the early hour of 11:30 am, then my sister had to wait till the storm passes before she could come down from Salt Lake and didn't make it till around 3:30 or 4. It was such a great Christmas!! We just lazed around and enjoyed having us all there!!

Colt got a 22 for his big gift, and was so so excited!! (Can you tell by the HUGE GRIN on his face?! haha yeah i know..)

My mom is so beautiful!!

Just hanging out.

"Old Faithful" was burried in a huge snow bank!!

Some of my loot. I got a Cricut machine and some boots!!

You know those kids that think that if they can't see you, you cant see them?...Well apparently Colton never grew out of that stage...

FLERN! My favorite sister!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas!!!!