Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need a Champion?

Think the media alters the expectations we have of the opposite sex much?
That goes for both men and women.

No worries, I will still be the first one in line to see this movie,

*And I wouldn't mind a champion..

Am I dreaming?

Does it keep spinning? Or does it stop...
I loved this movie with every fiber of my being. And honestly, I am not terribly disturbed by the ending. I felt at peace with the fact that it no longer mattered to him whether it was reality or not. He was with his kids.
(Even though I'm pretty positive it was a dream because his kids were still in the same clothes and looked the exact same as the projection versions of themselves. In real life they would have aged slightly and probably would have been wearing different clothes.)

The only question I have is that- if he is in a dream in the end, he could bring back his wife and live happily ever after in dream world as a whole family couldn't he? Or is it because he already 'released' her from his subconscious when they followed Fischer into Limbo?

Good movie, but now I question my own existence haha.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

is this the light they were talking about..?

you know- the one at the end of the tunnel?

This nursing program has felt as though it would never end.

But, alas, this is my last day of class.

I'm not even a little bit sad to leave this school actually.

The End.