A little blurry, sorry..
This MASSIVE elephant that came down one of the aisles, SO COOL.

I got my mom tickets for her birthday back in April and have been looking forward to it since then. We had so much fun! I loved all of the costumes and the set... it was beautiful.
These guys were hilarious and sounded just like the ones from the cartoon.
(Shenzi, Banzi and Ed)

We almost hit Timone and Pumba on the way there, a little late guys?

Alas, they made it on time :)

This is the pic I pulled off the internet, and then after I uploaded my pics from my camera I realized that I took a pic of the exact same scene. Weird.
I felt so bad for these giraffes, I bet their heads hurt after holding up those heavy costumes all night!
I took a couple pics while we were there and I'll add those to the post later, but for now this is all you get.
Next years birthday present?
(Shhh...Don't tell her!)
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