2} A new brother and sister. Preferably ones that don't hate my guts and enjoy trying to make me feel like crap. It would also be nice if they were not pot heads and/or engaged to prison inmates.
(It's not like either of them will ever see this blog because they really have no idea that I even exist 99% of the time.)

Can I move to Canada now??
I don't like the sound of this post girl, its too sad for such a happy girl. I think its time for an intervention and we go get our pedicures like we have been talking about. What do you think?
Oh man! Kaitlin what the heck?? I am so glad I read your blog because you are adorable. Maybe we can make an apple pie and it can make you feel better? Maybe not since I forgot pretty much all skills from that class..
Pedicures: Yes!
Apple pie: Yes!
Thanks guys it was just an emotional day on Saturday but all is well now :) Just needed a little venting.
Kait :( K well, i want in on this kait date sign up thing. We need to go to zupa's and then make pumpkin rolls! YUM!!!!!! I love you xoxo
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