My hutch! And some of my glass collection. This has been doubled, maybe tripled by my visits to DI and Hobby Lobby!

I made some really cute Oreo suckers for my work family :)
(Stick the 'Skinny Sticks' into the Oreo, paint oreo's with melted white chocolate and place on wax paper. Sprinkle with sprinkles, drizzle with melted milk chocolate, top with nuts or whatever you like and then place in little plastic bags and use a cute ribbon. So easy!)

This is where I found the idea.. (How Does She... blog is on my blog list, check it out!)

My mom got this frame for $10 at Home Depot because the glass was cracked, its a huge, beautiful frame! (46x24)

I painted it a brilliant blue color (phone pictures don't do it justice!) and will 'antique' it when its dried. This is going to be a chalkboard magnet board so I just bought some magnet board for less than $10 (Home Depot) and painted it with chalkboard paint. I made some really cute magnets with old bottle caps too! I'll post a finished product :)

You are soooo crafty. It kills me.
I LOVE those cute ginger bread men!
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